an arch wherethro'

"I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethro' gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move."
Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Camping We Will Go.....

As Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 96, I accompanied 9 Scouts to our Summer Boy Scout Camp this past week. It was around 104 degrees most of the week and extremely humid. Of course, there was no air conditioning in the tents and the food was not what I would have selected from any menu. However, the experience was GREAT! The Scouts participated in Archery, Environmental Science, Nature, First Aid, Camping, Wilderness Survival, Lifesaving, Woodcarving, etc., etc. It really is a good learning experience. In between all the classes, they learn to work as a team and work on maturing a little. As aggravated as I often get at Ian, he always does well in this type of environment.

The group was supposed to come up with a skit to enter the competition for the final campfire presentation. No one wanted to enter and Ian got them all excited about entering. They ended up entering two skits and the one Ian was in was selected for the final campfire. The whole troop was excited.

One of the things I learned this week is that I am no longer 20 and I can't keep up with a group of kids. Of course, I see that every time I look in the mirror, but it was a rude awakening to require medical attention after a swimming test of two laps of an Olympic sized pool. I did the swim OK but when I tried to climb out of the pool, I went down. At first, they though it was my heart, but quickly decided it was a combination of being out of shape, heat, insulin issues, and dehydration. HOW EMBARRASSING!!!!!!

We all survived and returned to Searcy yesterday for Alice Anne Murray's wedding. It was a great wedding with lots of laughter, seeing old friends, memories, and well wishes. It's the type of wedding everyone should have.


Blogger Tammie's Thoughts said...

Glad you had fun at Scout camp...sorry about the swimming pool incident!

9:40 PM, June 21, 2009  

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