an arch wherethro'

"I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethro' gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move."
Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

We Did All We Could!

Keri and I voted yesterday. She knew exactly who she wanted to vote for and I just helped her select the one she wanted. She only cancelled out one of my votes. I voted for French Hill. He is a dear friend and I feel I owe him my support. Unfortunately, his politics are very different from mine. Keri had no intention of voting for him. Of course, she really doesn't know French.

We are, of course, very worried about this election. When it is over, this coming Tuesday, the world will be a different place. We will either have our first woman president. Keri and I have known Hillary, and her husband Bill, for many years. Hillary would make such a good president. She is intelligent, talented, experienced in world affairs. I certainly don't believe in everything she supports, but she would make a wonderful president. I hope this is what we wake up to onWednesday.

The alternative is terrifying. Donald Trump stands a chance to be our president. I'm afraid, he acts like a petulant 13 year old. I have never heard him maintain his cool in any type of situation where anyone disagrees with him. If he is elected, we will truly see how well designed our political system truly is!


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