an arch wherethro'

"I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethro' gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move."
Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

Monday, November 28, 2016

Post Thanksgiving and the big 65!

The folks at Careway told me this morning that Keri had a fall there last week. Actually, she sat down on the floor in the bathroom when she was supposed to be sitting on the toilet. That is not unusual and I must always be near to direct her to where she is to sit. Just now, as I was putting her to bed, she tried to sit down several times before we were near the bed. I will need to continually watch that.

Yesterday, she woke up talking. It was actually a stream of consciousness that seemed to be grammatically intact, but random and often repetitious. She often said things during Church, often repeating a word or thought of the preacher. She kept it up all during lunch and throughout the afternoon. We left my mom's to come home and the vocalizations continued until I got her in bed. It continued most of the night, but seemed to slack off today. She seems to be much more emotional lately. She will often begin to cry and I can't always figure out why.

Yesterday was my 65th birthday. Mom stayed up extremely late Saturday night to make me the sugar-free raisin-apple sauce cake that Zelda Hoaglan came up with back in 1975, when I was first diagnosed as a diabetic. It was good to be with her on my 65th. I had so wanted Ian to stay, but he headed back to Searcy on Friday. I thought I would get to spend some time with him because we returned to Searcy by 7:30, but it was not to be. He came in around 11:30 and I just told him goodnight.

He called me at 11:00 this morning, having remembered that yesterday was my birthday and told me there was a gift and card at home. He later said that they were still at the shop and he would bring them home tomorrow. It really isn't important, but Keri no longer remembers, and it would have been special if Ian had made some effort. But, as Cookie says, "It is what it is."


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