an arch wherethro'

"I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethro' gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move."
Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

Friday, November 18, 2016

Observed Changes

The last several days have been more difficult than usual. Keri is getting very emotional and I can't always tell what is making her cry. She is also saying "I'm sorry." a lot. This behavior is especially apparent during pill time. Getting her to take her pills is so difficult. She will pick up a pill, look at it, and maybe put it in her mouth. Then I usually need to direct her to get a drink of water. She then struggles to swallow it. Then we start again. She has approximately 10 pills in the morning, 1 at lunch, and 5 at supper. I tried crushing many of the up in applesauce, but that didn't work. I'm trying it again tonight.

Keri must also have assistance sitting down and getting up. She has fallen several times, because when she decided to sit, there may or may not be a chair nearby. If there is a chair, she can't back up to it, so usually ends up sitting/slouching more than is needed.

She is sleeping some better. I stayed up until 2:30 am tracking Ian and his friends as they travelled back from a concert in Nashville. They appeared to be safely progressing so I went to bed. When Keri had to get up around 4:45, Ian was in bed. I had hoped to sleep late, but Keri was ready to go at 6:15 this morning, so we began our day.


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