an arch wherethro'

"I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethro' gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move."
Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lessons I've Learned!

I know my students from Harding have learned a great deal while here in Zambia. I also hope that my Zambian students have learned about communication disorders. However, I know that I have learned a lot about multicultural issues while attempting to teach this class. Here are just a few of the lessons I have learned (much through embarrassment).

1. teachers are responsible for supplying their own chalk and erasers
2. do not depend on electricity for class (I have had electricity for 4 of my 9 classes so far)
3. students who are late will stand at the door and wait to be invited in
4. 60% of the class will be late
5. always put the percentage on a paper (the score is insufficient)
6. always count copies of exams/handouts before class (never assume number requested is correct)
7. never assume a photocopy can be obtained quickly (it may take several hours, even if emergency)
8. always determine special holidays in advance (if you don't, you may be the only one there)
9. never assume that the schedule set the first day will remain. It may change several times during the class.

Many of you are reading the additional linked blogs about the HIZ-PATH trip. We lost Kelly (one of our infants at Haven 3) on Wednesday morning and the students attended her funeral that afternoon. Yesterday, Alfred came down with aspiration pneumonia and today Choolwe (Haven 2) is showing a horrible eye infection. Keri has been involved with these last two. She is frustrated that something that would be handled so systematically at home becomes a life/death situation here. Ian has certainly learned a lot about life.

Someone emailed me and asked why I had not posted a photo of Ian's Ba Leonard cake. Here it is.

We set up a movie night on the Hamby House back porch last night. We had popcorn, left-over birthday cake, ice cream and Cokes. We watched the first #1 Ladies Detective Agency. It was about a woman in Botswana and it ended up being perfect for us. Hopefully we will watch the rest in our remaining time here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IAN, I TOO WAS there to welcome you into this world, It sounds like you are having a wonderful experance and learning a lot of things to bring back to relsate to all of us. You are so blessed to have this opportunity.Patience was put on a diet by the vet yesterday. We can only feed her once a day and give her only one treat a day. She need to loose 6 lbs.
My hand and arm is sti8ll very numb and hurts all the time, I have to return to the Dr. Monday.
I will end this now so write me if you have time love you lots...!!!!!!Nanny

10:51 AM, June 11, 2010  
Blogger Melanie said...

I'm glad to see a picture of Ian's cake! I was hoping Leonard would come through with a dandy! Glad Keri is there with you now and hoping that your last week at the Haven is wonderful. Bennett is looking good and Hamilton is filling out!

7:47 AM, June 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad Keri is there with you all! I ran in to her at Wal-Mart a day or two before she was leaving and I could tell how badly she was wanting to be with her family.

I read Rachel's blog about Ian's baptism. Wonderful! Praise the Lord for him and his decision to put on Christ...and how awesome is it that he has many Zambian brothers and sisters as well.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. Amy Baker

11:21 AM, June 14, 2010  

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