an arch wherethro'

"I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethro' gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move."
Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Surviver

We survived Grandparent's Day at HA. Actually, it went very well for us. Ian had his crying jag at the breakfast table before school and by the time we got there he was ready to show me everything. I even wore a nametag. (I do think it is interesting that I have done everything possible to avoid being labeled as Ian's grandfather, and now I go to Grandparent's Day and sit with all the other grandparents. Life sure does take funny turns!) Several people I know that had no grandparents who could attend took their kids and left for the day. Early in the morning, I saw a little boy curled up in a corner with a book and he was crying. It seems that his grandparents couldn't come and neither of his parents could get off work for the day. So I was "grandpa" for two kids and we ended up having a great time. At one point I looked over and saw Ian singing a devotional song at the top of his lungs and knew why we had him at HU. I want him to grow up among believers with the best possible influences. Of course, I know there are bad and good influences everywhere, but maybe for Ian the balance is tilted a little at HU. That is certainly my prayer.

Well, I have readers. I have been very quite about having this blog because I wanted to see how it would go. I actually enjoy documenting my observations periodically and it appears to be an excellent way to stay in touch with people. I think it would be especially useful to post messages to everyone when travelling like Beckie is now doing. I must admit that I check her blog everyday (sometimes more).

I spent the weekend helping my Mom on the farm. I am once again reminded that I am a (lazy) city boy and that I couldn't keep up with her, even if she is on a walker.


Blogger Tammie's Thoughts said...

I'm so glad that Ian and you had a good grandparents day and it was good of you to take on that other little boy. I often had to recruit "grandparents" from church for my kids because their real ones lived so far away, but they loved it just the same.

I look at Beckie's blog every day, too, sometimes more than once. I can't wait to get there to see her! And I am trying to figure out a way to get to London when you are there!

5:20 PM, October 02, 2006  
Blogger DCT said...

Come on over! We should have a two bedroom flat and Ian could easily sleep on the couch or the extra bed in our room. You and Keri (and whoever else we could drum up) would have such fun exploring London!

5:38 PM, October 02, 2006  

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